Our payment partner, Hotmart, started adding in their subscription cancelation emails a heads up about file access being restricted some period in the future. We are here to specify that this message refers to files hosted on Hotmart's platform, which Loot makes no use of.
Loot hosts its own platform, and it's in it where you'll find all your bundles and models, plus the Bundle and Reward Stores, spoilers pages, the community invites, and much more!
As we've always done and will keep on doing, anything you've paid for will remain accessible regardless of subscription status, so you can rest assured that, bearing external forces, nothing will be removed from your Loot account.
If you have any questions regarding access, or if you can't find something you believe should be available, make sure to reach out to our Support team, which will be glad to assist. The contact email is support@lootstudios.com.
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